
The Intrapersonal Competency Cultivation Research (ICCR) team at the University of Texas Arlington collaboratively researches the effectiveness of a variety of in- and out-of-classroom intrapersonal competency cultivation strategies (ICCS) and their impact on cumulative GPA, term-to-term persistence, time-to-degree, and career and/or graduate school readiness.  Using multiple methods of inquiry, such…

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Disseminated Work!

Disseminated Work (A Selection)   Peer-Reviewed Journals Bresciani Ludvik, M., Zhang, S., Potter, N., Kahn, S., Richardson-Gates, L., Saiki, R., Schellenberg, S., Monzon, R., Jost, A., Harmata, R., Timm, R., and Stronach, J. In Review. Using Random Forest and Clustering Analysis to Close Equity Gaps. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation…

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